Category: Bulk Packaging

How to choose a container liner supplier
Although it is difficult to coach someone through the hard task of choosing a supplier, it is even harder evaluate which supplier choice could lead to positive or negative results...

Three ways to minimize the impact of the packaging on export bulk shipping costs
Exporting is normally made through long distances. The longer the distance that a product is transported, the higher the cost impact is on what can be considered "dead weight." Even...

Simple and economic way of transporting cohesive and hard-to-flow bulk products
If we summarize the cohesive hard-to-flow bulk products that are transported around the World, we can have a significant idea of the possibilities which can arrive containerizing part of this...

It is time to say goodbye to Big Bags
Just think about how does your supply chain handles (packs or receives packed) the bulk packaging of bulk solids used in your processes?

ABC’S of what you need to know to use Liners
How do you calculate which container is necessary for each product, and how is the merchandise unloaded at destination?

Fluidizing Technology for Containerized Bulk Solids
A significant number of dry flowable bulk commodities are considered too cohesive and hard-to-flow to be shipped in containerized bulk form.