Category: Bulk Commodities

Another option to handling and transporting sodium carbonate
Sodium carbonate is a white crystalline solid that is also known as disodium carbonate or soda ash.

The production of sodium carbonate shows growth for transport
Since sodium carbonate (soda ash) production is expected to rise through 2023, according to a recent global industry report on Transparent Market Research, the Tiltless Liner couldn’t have entered the...

PET Recycling
The packaging use of the PET shows lately a significant increase in the use of recycled PET for food, beverage and cleaning products.

Lime: Uses, Handling and Transport
Lime is the versatile mineral. Various forms of lime are used in environmental, metallurgical, construction, chemical/industrial, and other applications.

Discharge Calcium Carbonate Powder without dump truck
Even though the three forms of calcium carbonate listed above are chemically identical (they are all CaCO 3 ), there is a difference in how it was formed.

Handling Bulk Soybean Meal
Soybean meal is widely used to enrich animal food, while the texturized protein TVP, or protein concentrates derived from the soybean meal, are also used for human nutrition.